The Polka Dot Barn

Jan Thomason is a fabulous mixed media artist. Her work is featured in her Etsy shop The Polka Dot Barn. I've always admired artists who create interesting pieces such as Jan's Circus Circus shadow box. It seems like any time I've tried to create such work it ends up looking like a pile of junk. But Jan's work is captivating. It's a Girl's World is another piece that I'd love to have for myself. You can see more of Jan's work on her blog.


kecia deveney said...

yay, another one of my friends! she is quite talented - how fun to see her mentioned!

Jan Thomason said...

I am blown away.
Thank you for taking the time to make me feel so special and appreciated. I cannot tell you how amazing it was to be reading your blog and see the words, "polka dot barn"....I thought to myself, "hey, I call my company the Polka Dot Barn, too."
A friend had forwarded me the link to your blog and told me to check it out.
When I pulled it up I realized that I read your blog on a regular basis and thought that she must not realize that fact since she sent me the link....!
Really, I'm so appreciative.
Thank you so much.