Lisa Lam, author of the bestselling book titled The Bag Making Bible, has recently published A Bag for All Reasons. This outstanding collection of 12 inspiring bags includes Lisa’s personable teaching style and detailed technique images along with patterns and instructions for 12 new bags and totes for every occasion. Full sized pull-out patterns allow you to get to work immediately on the bag of your choice.
I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book for review & I can tell you first-hand that it is beautifully made. I love that it's spiral bound allowing the book to lay flat when open to various pages. The book opens with an introduction to basic equipment, the ins & outs of a sewing machine, a how-to on using patterns, and an overview of fabric types. These sections allow beginners to enjoy the book just as much as advanced crafters. I had the opportunity to ask Lisa a few questions & her responses are below.
The book features:
• 12 new projects with full pull-out patterns
• Full-color step-by-step images for each technique and each project
• Lay-flat spiral binding
• Tips and techniques including choosing fabric, attaching
zippers and snaps, and more
zippers and snaps, and more
• Extras including pattern legend, suppliers list, online resources
FREE PROJECT: Click here to download the FREE Compact Groceries Tote project and templates from A Bag for All Reasons.
Save 33% on all Lisa Lam products in the Martha Pullen
online shop with coupon code “BAGS2012”.
Save 30% at Store.Martha Pullen. Expires 11/30/2012.
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online shop with coupon code “BAGS2012”.
Save 30% at Store.Martha Pullen. Expires 11/30/2012.
Use coupon code MPSHIP during checkout.
1. Please give us a short background description of yourself. I was born (errr…nearly 40 years ago) in Poole on the beautiful South Coast of England. I’m educated in all sorts of things because when I was younger I couldn’t make my mind up as to what I wanted to do for a career. So I’m a trained chef, I have a Psych degree, I can hand-make women’s shoes, I have successfully run two other businesses…and there are yet more different jobs to add to my mixed up work history, but to date U-Handbag, book writing and pattern designing are my very favourite jobs and I’ll continue to work at them until I can work no more! What do I do apart from crafting? Well at the moment I have no time for crafting because I am very busy looking after my new baby girl. She’s totally awesome; she has such a yummy smile and easy-going nature. I know she’s going to be a fab crafting buddy.
2. What inspired you to write A Bag for All Reasons? Well after my first book, The Bag Making Bible (which was a very technique driven book), I wanted to write a book that more showcased my designs. In my work I always love to try to do something different. So in my research for my second book I checked out other bag making books and decided that a lot of them were (how do I say this?) not modern enough for my taste. I also saw that none of the bag making books grouped their bags by usefulness, rather they focused on seasons, or eras for example. To me, function is just as important as form and this influences all of the design work that I do. If I can’t design something that is practical as well as pretty, then it probably won’t leave the drawing board. That is why when it comes to bags I’m obsessed with pockets, roominess, structure, volume, adjustable wing-dings and the like. I think if you are going to go the trouble of making your own bag, it’s good if it is practical, that way you’ll enjoy A LOT of use from it. Also your bag should be designed to withstand the rigours of busy college/family/mom/work/etc. life! Hence A Bag for All Reasons is full of bags designed for use in real-life situations by all members of the family.
3. What is your absolute favorite project from the book? Ohh, I’d have to say ‘The Fashionista Baby Bag (with matching changing mat, page 92)’. It might be my fave because I’m now a mom myself, or it could be that the bag was designed around what design features my Facebook fans said I should include in the bag. I also love the Too Cool for School Satchel (page 70). The design is totally influenced by the tough (and quite rigid) traditional leather school satchels, but I had fun figuring out how to realise the design in soft fabric. I think the results look pretty cool and whimsical.
4. Any other craft books or projects for us to look forward to in the near future? Ohh yes there are…I can’t write a full-blown craft book at the moment because it’s a labour of love that is very labour intensive. I’m enjoying being a new mum right now, but there are some very exciting future plans on the horizon for when my daughter is a little older. All I can say is that I will at some point resume designing, writing and maybe filming more DVDs, there are a few more surprises planned as well, but I have to keep shushhh about them for now. Whilst I enjoy this precious time with my girl I’m blessed that folks still want more of my designs and my publisher still wants to work with me.
5. What does handmade mean to you? It’s no exaggeration to say that handmade is my life. I love to start from scratch in lots of things I do; from cooking to crafting; from DIY to making up funny songs for my baby. Handmade is not only the action of making something yourself, it’s the attitude behind it. When you take time out to make something yourself, you are making many positive statements to you and those around you. You are saying things like: I enjoy the challenge, I love someone enough to give them something that I made myself, I have pride in my skills (and/or I am enjoying learning how to improve those skills), I don’t always want to accept what is available in the shops, I want to make history by passing my handmade skill or handmade item down my family generations. I could on and on! Handmade is so positive and at the same time nutritious! It influences much of my life and the decisions I make. It’s fair to say that without handmade I wouldn’t be the person I am today & my life would be very dull without it!
*** GIVEAWAY - Closed- Congrats Gill! ***
PRIZE: One lucky winner will receive a copy of Lisa Lam's book A Bag for All Reasons!
TO ENTER: Leave a comment on this post noting an occasion you most need a bag for.
ADDITIONAL ENTERY: Like Lisa Lam's U-Bag on Facebook, then leave a comment on this post noting you have done so.
ENDS: 9pm CST, Wednesday, October 24th.
I see the bicycle paneers on the cover of that bag, and that's exactly what I need. I need a way to bike food home from the farmer's market!
I carry a tote bag when flying (to put my purse, books, sewing projects, et al) to get within the "2 bag limit per person"; I have a another tote with hand-sewing for car trips (Nashville is 45 minutes away). Actually, I multiple "project" totes hanging on various hooks around the house (LOL)!
Bags are like the PERFECT gift wrap, too, as they're FUNCTIONAL. :)
I need a practical and roomy but cute bag for lugging around all my books and notes for Uni!
Hello :)
This book looks like it has a lot of great bag patterns! I think that the first one I would make would be the wallet... I am in desperate need of a new wallet and that one looks great :)
Thanks for sharing!
Oh, and I "liked" U-bag on Facebook, too :)
I really like the bag for the back of a bike, would be awesome for farmers market day. This weekend I plan on making an over sized bag to fit my purse and large knitting project for a train trip the fallowing weekend. So Excited!
I need a bag to throw everything in for a quick overnight at my sisters house a few hours away from me.
I liked U-Handbag on FB! my mom would love this book:)
I have to cross a very hilly park on my way to campus, so for the days I need to bring my laptop and books to class, I need a bag big enough that won't make me feel like a pack mule!
It'd be great for my school books. eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com
I need a tote bag my appointments so I can carry my books, magazines, craft projects and snacks.
Oh, there are many occasions for a bag: A coin purse would be great, or a large travel bag or something for a bicycle. Thank you very much for the giveaway, the book sounds great! b_lanephoto [ATt} yahoo [DOtt} de
Oh, I need a very big bag for my everyday walking with 2 daughters and our newborn boy:)) So many necessary thing:))
I follow Lisa's FB page as Anna Moses:)
I'm a packrat - I need a roomy, convenient bag to store all the nonsense I cart around! And as a beginner, I love the idea that it has a good how-to section, as I'm still fairly clueless when it comes to understanding actual patterns.
I like a big bag to carry everything I need! when I go to printing classes I need lots of compartments for my different supplies!
I most need a bag to carry to work that is cute and practical!
To carry my sons toys since the diaper bag is usually maxed out
Whenever I go anywhere with my daughter! Kids need a lot of stuff :)
Daily! Between work, school, homelife, and photography, I am always in need of a great bag!
I always need to carry a large bag every day so I can put my things for my internship and carry all the books I need for uni :)
I am now following this Facebook fan page :)
I most need a bag for trips to the park with my daughter... a place to stash a few wipes and an extra diaper.
a good carryon bag for travel
liked on fb
I need a new bag just because :) No special occasion needed!
I do need a small make over bag to have in my purse though...
Thanks for the chance to win!
Folowing U-Handbag on FB :)
On overnight bag is so essential since I stay over at my mom's every other fortnight. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
I love Lisa's work! Bags for going out are essential. While it's nice to travel light when partying, you still need some cash, mobile phone, tissues and bandaids, LOL.
debyeo at hotmail dot com
I follow Lisa's Facebook page as Deborah Davey.
I really could use a good quality bag to hold all my school supplies.
I need a bigger bag to take my kids to the library! Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous looking book! :)
bcgeates at netbistro dot com
I already like U-Bag on fb! :)
Carla Geates
i would love to make the bicycle bag to hold a picnic's worth :)
sammybigtoesure at gmail dot com
i liked lisa's page as samantha olivieri
sammybigtoesure at gmail dot com
I need a new bag for work and I think I can find it here. I've also liked on facebook, Alexander Kinberg.
The book looks amazing. I love the saddlebag for the back of the bicycle. I know my daughters would love for me to make them a few of the bags and with the holidays coming up this wold be an awesome jump start to gifts for everyone.
I always need a bag when I am going to yard sales. To put all my great finds in instead of going back to the car with every purchase
I bike to work (at our neighborhood library) so the bike panier would be perfect to carry books, supplies, and lunch.I am a big fan of Lisa's bags! Thanks for the giveaway.
I could really use a new baby bag! I really like the one I have but it looks a little worse for wear. It would be nice to have a new one that I made myself :D
I like U-Handbag on facebook (same name)
(forgot to put my email address in above post)
megnate at telus dot net
I'm a practical gal..... I like to use 1 bag for all occasions, whether it's to work or shopping 'cos I'm to lazy to change bags =p
I could really use the bicycle bag to hold my camera and some snacks when I'm riding through the county parks!
I like a big bag to carry everything I need
I most need a bag for Halloween.. as this is when I travel to be with my grandies... they love the bags I bring with stuff made just for them.. and then use the bag themselves all year for what ever they need one for.. thanks so much looks like this will be a treasured book..
I am in need of a bag desperately, i got one for Christmas although the zip has busted! I need a bag with many apartments to fit everyday objects in and also something to hold items for baby and kids, i have many project books but most are tote bag patterns, an up to date book with latest fashions and uses will be a great addition to my life.
for my baby(kleenex,water...toy).
An occasion where a bag is much needed is when meeting up friends for our crohet evenings. So much yarn and hooks that need their comfy space in a beautiful bag.
I need a bag to carry around with me to keep my laptop in, my agenda book, and pens, pencils, and all that good stuff!
I need a bag when shopping for fabric (and the bigger the better!). I know there are lots of places to buy fabric online, but nothing beats actually seeing the colours and feeling the texture and weight of the fabric.
Already liking on FB.
I love having a little bag that can fold up ready for top up grocery shopping on the way home. I use a bag of one sort or another every day - whether it's a changing bag, bag for work, bag for toting laptop etc. Best of all though are those occasion bags!
I've liked U-Handbag on Facebook too!
Liked on FB
Liked on FB
I don't actually need a bag for myself at the moment, but my sister has commissioned me to make a beauty case for her!
I'm a long time follower of Lisa on FB as well.
I most need a bag for carrying around all the things i need on a day out with my little boys... Maybe the 3 in 1 convertible backpack so that i can have hands free as well! :-)
And i have liked u-bag on face book too
I need a cool make-up bag
I am definitely a Bag person! I need a bag for makeup, for books, to go to the beach, a nice bag for a night out... I love bags!
I need a makeup bag! The one is use is cute but too small.
I like U-Handbag on Facebook.
I need a bag with tons of pockets to keep me organised and a key chain so my house keys don't go to the bottom all the time
I follow U-Handbag by blog, FB and Twitter
shopping and go parking thanks for the chance to win
I keep my UFO craft/sewing projects in separate bags, and then pick up one to finish ... I just need another bag for yet another UFO - thanks.
I also liked the FB page as Empress Wu Designs
I always need a bag when I go to work. It needs to fit all the stuff I need to carry.
A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com
I'm a mom of 3 kids .. i basically need a bag just to go from one end of my house to the other nvm leaving the house!
i have fanned the Empress! : )
I need a good knitting bag!
katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com
i'm needing a lunch bag tote bag that is practical and matches my personality :)
I need a bag for walking to the store and other errands.
I liked you on facebook!
I need a bag when i hit the gym =)
I need a toy bag (basket) in my car just for my 3yr old...who knew a kid would load your car so full of his toys that the car becomes a toy box!
i need a bag for all my toiletries when i travel
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
liked on facebook
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
I need a bag to haul all my stuff to craft shows!! Both for my supplies and my purchases. ;-)
I need a bag for shopping this holiday season!
I need bags to carry all of my daughters ballet folklorico hair stuff in!
I liked U-handbag facebook page!
What a wonderful book! I plan on giving my grand daughters a little lesson on basic sewing, next summer. This would be an excellent book for them.
I most need a bag for attending weddings and other formal occasions.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Liked U-Bag on FB
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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