Julie Vision Designs

If Julie Magar went to an Anonymous meeting of some sort, she might begin her introduction with "I'm Julie, and I'm a Purseoholic." In her quest to have a unique handbag for each of her ensembles, Julie began hand-crafting her own handbags as seen at Julie Vision Designs. I love the funky rock-n-roll Charon clutch (pictured) and the colorful Over the Rainbow bag is perfect for Spring. Many of us can relate to the title Dysfunctional Family and the Frank Lloyd Wrong clutch is definitely eye-catching. Julie also creates a style of bag with a very unique title - the Mullet Tote. You may have heard a Mullet hairstyle described as business in the front, party in the back. Julie applies that same theory when custom designing the Mullet Tote with your type of business on the outside, your own personal party on the inside.

*GIVEAWAY - Closed - Congratulations Jennifer! Julie is giving away one custom-made Mullet Tote. Giveaway ends at Midnight EST, Sunday, March 21.

Multiple entries are available:

1. Visit Julie Vision Designs and leave a comment on this post noting your favorite design.

2. Follow Julie on Twitter, then leave a comment with your Twitter screen name.

3. Follow Julie's blog, then leave a comment with a link to your blog here.


Jennifer B. said...

I love the Mum's the Word pattern. Thanks! jbarthold329 at gmail dot com

Adina said...

I love both of the mullet totes. Something about them is just... awesome. No blog :(

Liberty :) said...

i follow julie on twitter im @libertycottage

My favourite design is Mums the word or Frankly my Dear :)

Stacy Fuller said...

For the mullet tote, I prefer the brown one, but overall I love Frank Lloyd Wrong best!

elaine said...

All your bags are gorgeous-I especially love the Birches bag.

Elaine R

Mary Preston said...

I love the POW!! POW!! Mullet Tote & the Hello Sailor Clutch.


papijorj said...

I like Ophelia clutch and the mullet tote.
Thank You

Carmen said...

I already follow Julie on Twitter :P I'm craftywhoopidoo

Carmen said...

...and I also already follow her blog :P I'm here: http://whoopidooings.blogspot.com

Carmen said...

I love Julies designs. I do love the Charon clutch but have to say, purely because it literally made me laugh out loud, my favourite is the Dysfunctional Family clutch. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40942501

Good luck everybody :D

EVA SB said...

I like the Mullet Momma Collection

EVA SB said...

I follow Julie on Twitter EVA_n_essence

EVA SB said...

I follow Julie's blog

susan said...

i like the hello sailor bag
susanerios at hotmail.com

susan said...

i follow julie's blog
susanerios at hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love the "Read All About It" clutch - so cute and I know my husband (who works for a newspaper) would love to see me carrying it!

Anonymous said...

My twitter name is tracimallow

Anonymous said...

I follow Julie at approachingthedropoff.blogspot.com

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said...

Love the Frank Llyod wrong!

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said...

Also follow on Twitter (@goodcookdoris).

jennifer57 said...


tex2309 said...

love the mullet moma collection

Anonymous said...

These are really neat! I love the striped brown jumbo mullet tote.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

ohhhfire said...

i like the dance at the gym clutch!


ohhhfire said...

i am a twitter follower of julie


Agnes said...

Mum's the Word is my favourite for sure!


Agnes said...

I follow Julie on twitter @artsyimage

Agnes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agnes said...

I follow her blog as well :)

here's mine: http://beautyvibes.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

I like the Hello Sailor purse!

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

I love the Jack Kelley clutch. Everything is so unique.

Amy (artsyrockerchick[at]aim[dot]com)

EMSFS said...

Love the Moma collection- so cute!

Jennifer said...

Oooh, the "Over the Rainbow" bag is amazing. I was a little taken aback by it when I first loaded the page!


Jennifer said...

I'm a follower of Julie's blog. Here is my site:


Courtney :) said...

i love the lucy im home design.

maria said...

Read all About it looks like a super fun bag!

Dispellundead (at) gmail (dot) com

monkeyberry said...

I love the Dysfunctional Family clutch!

Jolee said...

Wall Flower is SO Cool!! joleehamlin@comcast.net

very married said...


The Mum's the Word clutch is totally fab!

Anonymous said...

love the bags too cute

Anonymous said...

i love the dysfunctional family clutch.


Anonymous said...

Following on twitter...


Anonymous said...



janetfaye said...

I like Wall Flower.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow Julie on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Briana "Symmie" Simmons said...

I am addicted to totes. I love totes. I love all the totes on this site but especially the orange one that comes with a receiving blanket. My second fave is the one with says Pow on the inside...I didn't see a name.

Emily said...

love the totes also love the mum's the word pattern clutch!

Jolynn_Reads said...

Over the rainbow is a cute design.

Julie said...


mum's the word purse


Julie said...

I follow Julie's blog as jelaws5


Esmerelda Johnson said...


DEBIJOT said...

love over the rainbow design

DEBIJOT said...

follow julie on twitter - debijot

Leticia said...

Mum's the Word is my favorte pattern, very chic.

Diana said...

following your blog.. @dcoa15

Susan said...

I like the Over The Rainbow design

susan56bft at gmail dot com

PerfectBlueMoon said...

It was a toss up between the Auntie Em and the Let Them Eat Cake Clutches but I think Auntie Em would match with more of my wardrobe!


PerfectBlueMoon said...

I follow JV Designs on twitter!


aj said...

Over the Rainbow is my favorite ( :

A_C_E_ at hotmail dot com

Heather said...

My favorite design is "Read All About It". Thanks!

Domestic Diva said...

I like Over the Rainbow.

Guiname said...

Carina Guiname

I follow Julie's blog and Tiwtter (I'm missgraciehart on Twitter)

I love the Memoirs of a Handbag design.

Laura Stewart said...

I love Hello Sailor!

Ginny said...

Lucy I'm home is super cute!

Michelle said...

Love Love Love the Over the Rainbow handbag!!

mandm_2002 at hotmail dot com

Lavonne said...

My favorite is mum's the word and birches. These are great!