I recently had the pleasure of trying out a few products created by Manor Hall Soap Company. The high-quality vegetarian & vegan products are delightful to use without doing harm to the environment, a major concern in this day & age. The organic black peppermint body wash smells heavenly & leaves skin feeling so smooth & refreshed. I also tried two varieties of the natural bar soaps, Butter Me Better and Ruby Moon. Both of these seasonal soaps will certainly whip your dried out winter skin into shape for skin-baring summer. There's tons of fabulous products to choose from. Check out all the great blends, as well as the monthly specials. And don't miss the accessories which would make a terrific gift coupled with a few Manor Hall soaps.
Some quality soaps produced from Manor Hall and a website of the highest quality. The care and preparation taken in wrapping my soap was second to none and the prices are very affordable. If you're not into soap or cleaning stuff then this company will soon get you straight into it. I would recommend buying from Manor Hall. They've got loads of products and they're all fantastic.
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